segunda-feira, 29 de outubro de 2012

[PS3] Rogero CFW 4.21 CEX v.1.09 – Fim dos BRICKS!

Depois dos problemas da versão 1.0 do seu CFW 4.21 para PS3, o hacker ROGERO libera uma nova versão, agora corrigida. O download pode ser feito nos links acima.
- The problem of compatibility with certain models of PS3 Slim (CECH-25xx) was fully corrected.
- The problem of icons on the in-game XMB (PS button in game) is now fixed.
- Loading games from the icon app_home is now functional
- Corrections have been made from version 1.00 to obtain maximum performance and stability.
- The CFW has been tested by hundreds of people on all models of PS3 (FAT & Slim) and no problems were encountered.
- The CFW can run games signed with 4.21 keys without a change in maximum Eboot / SPRX is required.
- The games can be loaded from the disk icon (with original game in Blu-Ray) and since app_home (without hard but it may be incompatible with some games).
- The current 3.55 homebrew can be run on this CFW, they must be resigned itself to firmware 4.21.
Para atualizar do 1.0 para 1.9:
1 – Method “clean” (CFW4.21 v1.00 -> CFW3.55 -> CFW4.21 v1.09)
—- downgrade to firmware 3.55 using the guide available above.
—- Once Rogero CFW 3.55 CEX v3.7, you can update again from the menu to the new Recovery v1.09 CFW 4.21 2 – Alternate Method (CFW4.21 v1.00 -> Recovery Menu -> CFW4.21 v1.09) —- You can first try to update your CFW 4.21 to CFW 4.21 v1.00 from v1.09 Recovery. —- If this not work, you then have to use the method “clean” (CFW4.21 v1.00 -> CFW3.55 -> CFW4.21 v1.09)
Para voltar ao 3.55 depois de ter instalado o Rogero CFW 4.21:
- Download the 4.25 downgrade PUP —> 4.25 Downgrader Size: 176MB (184,595,263 bytes) MD5:
- Rename the downloaded file “PS3UPDAT.PUP” and copy it on your USB flash drive in order to meet the following tree: “USB \ PS3 \ UPDATE \ PS3UPDAT.PUP”
- When you’re on CFW 4.21 Rogero, go to System Update on the XMB and install CFW 4.25 downgrader.
- Once installed, metttez Rogero CFW 3.55 CEX v3 .7 on your USB key in order to meet the following tree: “USB \ PS3 \ UPDATE \ PS3UPDAT.PUP” —> 
Rogero CFW 3.55 CEX-V3.7.PUP
- Start menu on the PS3 and install Recovery Rogero CFW 3.55 v3.7 CEX (to Recovery from the menu, this is important!)
- Once the installation is finished, you are now Rogero CFW 3.55 Income CEX v3.7 (since there is better déhasher again before installing any OFW / CFW 3.55)


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